How to spot scammers claiming to be JCSC

Two people sit facing a bank of computer screens against a dark background

Some criminals use fraud get people to share sensitive information, or transfer funds. It’s possible that criminals could pose as a member of our team to try and trick you. While there is no evidence that this has happened to date, this page gives you guidance to protect yourself.

If you get a call or email claiming to be from our team and you suspect it isn’t genuine, you should end the conversation. You should then get in contact with us directly.

Beginning section If you're contacted by telephone

If you’re contacted by telephone

Usually, we will only call you if you’ve contacted us first and given us your contact details.

There are a few times when we might contact you first. This includes if someone has shared your details with us as part of an incident response. If we do contact you first, we will always explain the reason for our call, and the context.

We will not usually contact you if a business or service you use has been subject to a cyber attack. The business or service should contact you using their usual means of communication.

Whenever we do call you, we will not communicate in a threatening or abusive manner. We will not create a sense of urgency and we will not pressure you to act quickly.

We will also never ask you to:

  • give us access to your computer, network or device
  • share your bank details with us
  • transfer money to us or any other organisation
  • give us your cash or bank cards
  • pay a fine over the phone
  • share your password or login details for any service
  • send us personal details in an email
  • assist us in an investigation

If you receive a call claiming to be from our team and you suspect it isn’t genuine, you should end the call immediately. You can then get in contact with us by phone on 01534 500050, via email ( or by booking a meeting with the team.

Beginning section If you're contacted by email

If you’re contacted by email

A member of our team may contact you via email, even if you haven’t already contacted us.

This may be because someone has shared your email address with us as part of an incident response. It may be because we believe you have been the target of a cyber attack.

We will not usually contact you if an business or service you use has been subject to a cyber attack. The business or service should contact you through their usual means of communication.

Whenever we do email you, we will never:

  • ask you to give us remote access to your computer, tablet or phone
  • send you unsolicited emails which include attached files
  • ask you to share your login details, like your password or username

If you receive an email you think is suspicious, please report it to us by emailing

Beginning section If you're contacted by SMS or WhatsApp

If you’re contacted by SMS or WhatsApp

Our team will never contact you via SMS or WhatsApp. We will always either email you, call you, or meet you in person.

If you receive an SMS or WhatsApp message claiming to be from JCSC, you should not reply to it. Instead, take a screenshot and report it to us. You can email, or call us on 01534 500050.