Supplying JCSC

This guidance is for suppliers and potential suppliers of Jersey Cyber Security Centre. Please review this information before supplying us. 

Beginning section Potential and new suppliers

Potential and new suppliers

How do I become a supplier for JCSC?

Jersey Cyber Security Centre procures all goods and services in line with the Government of Jersey’s Public Finances Manual.   

Where we identify and a need for a product or service, we seek to use an existing Government contract where one exists. If we need to choose a supplier, we follow a supplier selection process to make sure that we are using taxpayer’s fund efficiently and effectively.

If you want to supply JCSC, you should make sure that you are on the Government of Jersey’s approved supplier list. You should also make sure that you are set up in the Government’s supplier management system, SAP Ariba. 

If you want to bid for contracts advertised by JCSC and are not currently an approved supplier, please let us know.  

If you are selected as a supplier, we will raise a Purchase Order in SAP Ariba to confirm the order. This will be sent to you automatically once it has been approved.  

All orders must have an associated purchase order. This is the only basis on which we contract and commit to service delivery. If you do not have a valid Purchase Order, you do not have an order from us. 

Please do not deliver products or services in advance unless you have a valid purchase order. We will not be able to accept delivery or pay you for work done. 


I would like to approach your team to sell you something. Can I email or call you, or contact the team on social media?

As a small team we have very limited resources. We do not and cannot respond to commercial spam or unsolicited sales pitches. If we receive repeated unsolicited sales approaches from you, we will add you to our email blocklist. It is also less likely that we will contact you later for services you could help with. 

Using the personal information of JCSC staff (like email accounts, or social media profiles) for unsolicited selling may lead to action under the Data Protection (Jersey) Law 2018. 

If we have a need for specific services, we will identify suitable suppliers. We may also put services out to tender via the Channel Islands Tender portal. 


We would like to promote our cyber security services in Jersey. Who can we can engage with?

We use our Supplier Advisory Group to engage with Channel Islands businesses who provide cyber security services in Jersey. Please contact us for information. 

If you want to relocate, invest in, or deliver services in Jersey, contact Locate Jersey or Digital Jersey. They will be able to provide advice, information, and support. 


We have a new solution that solves all cyber security problems once and for all. We’d like your endorsement. How do I get a meeting?

Congratulations! Please see the advice here. 


Beginning section Existing suppliers

Existing suppliers

How do I get paid?

The Government of Jersey runs JCSC’s finance processes on our behalf. These processes apply in full to all contracts and payments. This means that we cannot make exceptions.  

There are some steps you can take to ensure you’re paid in good time: 

  1. make sure you have a valid Purchase Order 
  2. raise a service sheet against your Purchase Order in SAP Ariba 
  3. raise an invoice in SAP Ariba once you get an approval notification 


There’s a delay with my payment – what’s causing it?

No valid Purchase Order

  • All contracts with JCSC must have a valid Purchase Order. If you do not have a purchase order, you do not have a valid order and you will not be able to raise a service sheet in SAP Ariba. If you cannot raise a service sheet, you will not be able to raise an invoice. If you cannot raise an invoice, we will not be able to pay you. 
  • You must not deliver a product or service to us without a valid Purchase Order. 
  • In some circumstances – such as a fixed term contract – you may have a multi-year purchase order. In most cases, if you provide services to us that renew annually, you will need to renew your order with us each year by requesting a new Purchase Order. This should be done before you deliver the service or before the new service period starts. You will know if you your Purchase Order has expired as there will be no Purchase Order value in Ariba to raise a service sheet against. 


Service Sheet and Invoice not raised in the SAP Ariba portal 

Once you have raised a purchase order and supplied services , there is a two step process. 

First, you need to raise the service sheet in the SAP Ariba portal. Once the service sheet is approved, you will then need to raise the invoice in the SAP Ariba portal. You (the supplier) need to complete both these steps in SAP Ariba to release the for payment. 

If you cannot raise a service sheet in SAP Ariba: 

  • you may not have a valid Purchase Order 
  • your Purchase Order may have been used already  

Remember: you cannot invoice us without a Purchase Order. 

Some payments are delayed when suppliers assume that if they raise a service sheet and it is approved, the payment will be automatic. This is not the case. Once you get the approval message for your service sheet, you need to log into SAP Ariba and create an invoice.  

We are working with Government of Jersey to provide feedback to improve the process for suppliers. 


Other questions

We’ve lost our log in details or are finding it hard to use the portal. Can you do it for us, or show us how to do it? 

Please contact the Government’s supplier support team and they will be happy to help you. 


Can you pay us outside of the normal process, for example by card of bank transfer? 

No. That would be contrary to the Public Finance Manual and Public Finances Law. 


Can you pay us in advance of a product or service being delivered? 

No. That would be contrary to the Public Finances Manual and Public Finances Law. 


I am sending you statements and invoices by email or post, but nobody is responding? 

Please do not send us statements or invoices by email or by post. 

You should raise all invoices in SAP Ariba. We can only receive or process invoices by email under certain very specific pre-agreed circumstances. We cannot process statements or advise you about your statement because do not have access to them. This means our team will not be able to help you if you contact them directly. 

If you have not been paid, it is very likely because you have not raised an invoice in SAP Ariba. Raising the invoice in SAP Ariba will resolve the issue. 


We produce and email our invoices automatically using our finance system. Using SAP Ariba breaks our process. Do we have to use SAP Ariba? 

Yes. The terms of your contract with Government of Jersey states that you must use SAP Ariba. This in line with the Public Finances Manual and Public Finances Law 

Following the process protects the taxpayer, JCSC, and you. When you use SAP Ariba and have a valid Payment Order, all parties are on what has been ordered and what needs to be paid.  

Using SAP Ariba is the only basis on which we can enter into a contract, and the only way we can pay you. 


Where can I seek help or raise concerns? 

The Government of Jersey runs JCSC’s finance processes on our behalf. This means that JCSC do not have access to the system, and we cannot provide you with help and support. 

The Government of Jersey’s supplier support team is able to help you. 

We do understand that this payment process is different from the payment processes small businesses usually follow. The process can cause confusion and delay when it is not followed. However, almost all issues are due to the common issues stated above. 

If you follow the process correctly, you will normally be paid within a couple of weeks after you correctly submit an invoice.  


What do I do if I have other questions? 

Please see the information published by the Government of Jersey here.